Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ULearn 2010

Right, finally I'm back at ULearn. I missed last year (and rightfully so) as RSNZ deemed it to be too focussed on professionally development, not personal development. Fair call. But I missed it after having been the previous 3 years. Today I'm at Suzie Vesper's workshop on web2.0 tools and the main reason I'm here is just to have the time to play. A day of mucking around with this wonderful array of web 2.0 tools, some I've use, but others I just need time to explore and that's what today is about. You can surely get lost in the wiki she's established, go on dare you. If you exhaust that one, then there's another using this link and if you make it through every tool you're doing better than me! Made this little fella, useful if you're not keen for your mugshot online. Easy-as to make using potrait icon maker.

So here's my first play, voicethread. Man I find it difficult to talk and be recorded, so ignore that! Lots of potential uses for this in the classroom though.

Also been playing with funky text, which I'm not so keen on (must be getting older) but I'm sure kids would love, glowtxt.

Cool text generator

Yikes, Ok finally a bit of a simple play with prezi

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