Key ideas for educators:
- Be a door opener. Allow kids to access through doors that you may anticipate having to open
- BYOD - be prepared to have students bringing a variety of devices and do things differently to achieve the same outcome and share the process with each other.
- Be prepared to turn devices ON/OFF to talk and communicate with each other.
- Augmented, Immersive reality
- Literacy means consuming and producing the media forms of the day, whatever they are.
10 Digital Literacy Guidelines
- Shift from text-centrism to new media collage
- Value writing more than ever
- Adopt Art as the 4th R
- Follow DAOW of literacy
- Attitude is the aptitude (your love of learning determines how smart you are)
- Practice personal and social literacy
- Develop literacy about impact of digital tools
- Develop literacy about information
- Fluency, not just literacy
- Harness both report and story, embrace the story! The story should have a problem (tension) > transformation (growth) > solution (resolution) >
CARES for administrators: Compensation, Assistance/education, Recognition, Extra time, Support risk takers - pilots.
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